I'm Back
I'm already back and I'll bet that most of you out there didn't even know I was gone. But I was gone somewhere i'm not and am back somewhere I am. Anyway I was visiting North and South Carolina to see my grandparents and sister at college (my sister is at college not the grandparents). We had a great time with Gramy and Grandpa rollicking around the farm, fishing, shooting skeet, rummaging through the local Goodwill, eating (obviously), playing farmball. Farmball vaguely resembles basketball. But there was sadness. The golfcart died half way through the week. It had to happen in the middle of the woods too. But the noble machine had a good life and many miles going full boar around the farm (teardrop). I'm almost surprised the crazy thing ran as long as it did with all the ramming into trees, brick walls, other various obstacles and almost getting dumped in the pond more times than you can count. Then we piled back into the car with what seemed like a lot more stuff than we came with, remember what I said about Goodwill, but everything made it in, and headed for South Carolina. Stopping at the outlets to look for more bargains. But we eventually arrived at Mimi and Big Daddy's house. We went to the Living Gallery at Bob Jones University. That was very good. We woke up at some insane hour, around 7:00 I think, piled into the car for the last time with all sorts of vagabonds that managed to aquire themselves to us during the week, and set of for the long trip back home which was basically uneventful. We got home and had the weirdest unpacking job ever. Somehow almost everything was in plastic bags thrown in the back.
I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.