Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Welcome to the world Gwendolyn

Today at 2:10 PM Gwendolyn Daisy Greene was born to my brother and sister-in-law, Josh and Nichole. This means that I'm an uncle for the fifth time. Big sister Chloe liked the idea of having a baby sister right away, but it took Sorren a while to warm up to the idea. He wanted a baby brother. When we went to see her he decided baby sisters weren't to bad. This also means it is the first Greene family to have two girls in a row for at least three generations.

Here's the proud father with his newest daughter.

and here's Gwendolyn Daisy.

Friday, February 17, 2006

This is just weird

Yesterday morning I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs to read the newspaper. I was looking for the sports page but I glanced over the headline to see the "Big News". What I saw almost made me cry and laugh at the same time. The "Big News" was ,"TRAILER BURNS 29 CATS DIE". What a tragedy. And I thought having three or four cats in one house was bad. Reading further I found that one cat survived the blaze. I've been crunching the numbers and I figured out that if 29 cats died and 1 survived that equals 30 cats in one trailor. That is way too many! I'm still trying to figure out why it was the lead story in the newspaper, but I guess that's big news in Hicktown, PA.